Do you believe that our thoughts become words and then become actions? After practicing writing, speaking and meditating on affirmations for years, I am now a firm believer. The ability to choose my thoughts has freed me from self-doubt, eased my anxiety and boosted my confidence in myself and the world.
The past 2 years have not been easy for most people. Being in isolation gave me a chance to look inward and identify opportunities to continue on my own healing journey. The peace and quiet I have not experienced in years made me realize the importance of self-love and self-care, and I’ve been utilizing the following affirmations to strengthen both.
If you are looking for inspiration to grow more self-love, here are 30 self-love themed affirmations that you can practice daily to heal, nourish and celebrate yourself:
Affirmations to Boost Your Self-forgiveness:

The hardest person to forgive is often ourselves, and yet, it is the first step to embracing self-love. You deserve to be gentle and kind with yourself and make space for love and light to come in. To practice self-forgiveness, start or end the day with the following affirmations:
- My struggles are opportunities.
- My past does not determine my future.
- I release myself from the weight of my regrets.
- I am gentle with myself and my mistakes. I understand they are a great way to learn.
- I let go of my past beliefs that no longer serve me.
Save these affirmations themed wallpaper for your daily reminder:
Affirmations to Strengthen Your Self-acceptance:
Have you struggled to accept your authentic self for who you are? Recognize how wonderful you are, inside and out, and celebrate the fact that there’s only one of you in this world. You are unique and beautiful, and the following affirmations should help strengthening that truth:
- I am in control of my happiness
- I cherish my relationship with myself.
- I am at peace with where I am.
- I love myself unconditionally.
- I love the person that I am and the person I am becoming.
Save these affirmations themed wallpaper for your daily reminder:
Affirmations to Encourage Self-respect:
Respect that fact that you are worthy of love and kindness. Let go of what no longer serves you, and prioritize your body, mind, and soul at any given time. Practice self-respecting loving kindness with the following affirmations:
- I am learning to love myself more every day.
- My own love is a priority.
- I can feel love whenever I choose to.
- I have all the love inside me that I need.
- My own love is the best kind of love.
Save these affirmations themed wallpaper for your daily reminder:
Affirmations to Support Your Self-image:
We grew up being told that we are not enough – not slim enough, not curvy enough, not pretty enough, but we need to come to a realization that, by simply being ourselves, we are enough. Build that trust within you with these affirmations:
- My body tells me what it needs, and I am willing to listen.
- I am grateful for this body, this mind, this soul.
- The only approval I need is my own.
- I let my love for myself grow every day.
- My mind is a powerful tool, and I use it to create my future.
Save these affirmations themed wallpaper for your daily reminder:
Affirmations to Build Your Self-confidence:
Oh, if only you realize the endless potential in you! The mind is such a powerful tool, and when you are able to believe in yourself, the confidence will shine through everything that you do. Unlock your deepest potential with the following affirmations:
- I am capable of reaching my goals.
- My potential is limitless.
- My life is full of opportunities for success and happiness.
- I am growing each and every day.
- I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
Save these affirmations themed wallpaper for your daily reminder:
Affirmations to Encourage Self-expression:
Celebrate your true, authentic self everyday. There’s no one like you! Allow creativity to flow out of your body and mind into the world with these affirmations:
- My feelings deserve to be expressed. I allow them to flow.
- I am courageous and brave for trying, even when it’s hard.
- My outside world is a reflection of my inside world. I nourish both.
- I am cared for and it’s safe to be myself.
- I am deeply loved, and carry myself in this way.
The older I get, the more I find self-love essential to not only myself but also my loved ones around me. After all, in order to love others, we must first learn to love ourselves. Consistently saying these self-love affirmations out loud to myself has truly helped me overcome the self-limiting beliefs that hold me back. No matter how difficult some days may be, I know that I can always count on me. The power of self-love has led me to making courageous and personal business decisions, living a healthy and balanced lifestyle, attracting the good and releasing the bad with grace. I hope for the same for you!
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