Want to reach the perfect demographic for your product or destination?
Have a look at the Be My Travel Muse media kit for statistics and case studies!

Be My Travel Muse (BMTM) is more than just a travel blog with a compelling set of stories and practical tips. Readers are involved, and now both the blog and Kristin’s social media communities have become a conversational, highly engaged environment for adventurous travelers who like to seek unique travel experiences.
Site stats
- This site sells over $40k worth of products and services per month via affiliate links.
- Past partners have a proven history of bookings and sales after coverage on BMTM (here’s an example).
- Over 5 million readers visited BMTM over the past 12 months (via Google Analytics).
- Over 250,000 followers on social media.
- The BMTM reader survey revealed that 20% of active readers have taken a trip after reading about it on BMTM, 15% have made a purchase, and 74% are planning a trip based on information found in the blog.
Who reads Be My Travel Muse?
Based on Google and Facebook Analytics and the 2019 reader survey of nearly 700 responses:
- 88% female, 12% male
- Interests: Outdoor activities, photography, sports, and affordable luxury travel.
- Average age: 25-45
- Average education: 86% of readers have a degree in higher education or are pursuing (60% undergraduate, 20% master’s level, 6% PhD)
- Typical interests: 83% of survey respondents mentioned outdoors, 65% photography, and 54% affordable luxury travel
- 74% North American, 16% European, 5% Australian, 5% Asian readership
Who works with Be My Travel Muse?
- Destinations that want to reach an audience of adventurous travelers with a combination of photos, stories, and video.
- Brands and products that cater to adventurous and female travelers (Please note that Kristin only promotes products that she personally uses).
- SCUBA diving, trekking, and adventure companies that Kristin uses during her travels.
Previous Partners and Campaigns
- Kyrgyzstan – Social media shares, blog posts, and videos generated a combined 1 million impressions.
- GoCampers in Iceland – BMTM now sends over 600 visitors per month to GoCampers (check out the case study!)
- Pacsafe products – BMTM sells over $1k of Pacsafe products per month via affiliate links (check out the case study!)
- Baden-Württemberg – Led to immediate bookings and tens of thousands of blog and social media views.
- Finland – BMTM ranks #1 on Google for things to do in Lapland.
- South Tyrol – Led to immediate bookings and tens of thousands of blog and social media views over multiple campaigns (check out the case study!).
- Hawaii – Covered islands with less tourism to much reader interest (check out the case study!).
Plus, many more clothing, beauty, outdoor product, destination-related, and travel service-related companies. Find more in the media kit.
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